Morning Headlines 3/19/18
Technical glitch and market turmoil overshadow Healthineers IPO
Siemens AG raises $5.2 billion in its Healthineers IPO despite technical glitches that delayed the start of business.
Giving patients control of their health information will help give patients control of their health
CMS Administrator Seema Verma and presidential advisor Jared Kushner reiterate the Trump administration’s commitment to the MyHealthEData initiative.
Amazon is hiring a former FDA official to work on its secretive health tech business
Amazon hires the FDA’s first chief health informatics officer, Taha Kass-Hout (Trinity Health), to head up healthcare project business development on its Grand Challenge team.
Jealous of the 10 figure money feinberg has made as a C- at best leader at Google and Cerner (besides…