Morning Headlines 9/4/17
Harvey Evacuees Leave Their Belongings – and Health Records – Behind
Wired describes a frustrating situation in Texas and Louisiana, where the lack of EHR interoperability is in the national spotlight as Hurricane Harvey evacuees seek care from new doctors who have no access to their medical records.
Speech Recognition in Cardiology
A survey of 147 cardiology clinical and administrative staff finds that cardiology is lagging behind radiology in adopting voice recognition technology into clinical workflows.
Alphabet’s Verily and Google found a potential new test for heart disease using AI
Verily researchers have developed an AI-based algorithm that can analyze retinal images to calculate a patient’s risk of heart disease. The algorithm scans for key indicators in the retinal images that correlate to age, gender, smoking status, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels, and then uses this information to calculate the patient’s heart disease risk level.
How to Regulate Artificial Intelligence
A New York Times Op-Ed piece by an Artificial Intelligence researcher proposes a framework for regulating the emerging technology.
Such compassion for the relative you showed--not likely to be built into EHR/AI soon, as it is increasingly so lacking…