Morning Headlines 8/1/17
White House panel urges Trump to declare state of emergency over opioid crisis
A White House commission addressing the opioid epidemic recommends that President Trump declare a federal state of emergency.
Republicans ignore Trump’s Obamacare taunts
Senate Republicans say they won’t try to repeal the Affordable Care Act despite the President’s tweets declaring that they should address no other pressing issues until they pass a healthcare bill.
Baltimore-based Evergreen Health to be liquidated
Baltimore-based HMO Evergreen Health, launched by a former city health commissioner, will be liquidated after investors withdraw their bids to acquire the company.
Spare America a do-over on health care. Seize the bipartisan moment.
Former CMS Acting Administrator Andy Slavitt says in a USA Today opinion piece that Americans should hold President Trump accountable for his threats to cut off Affordable Care Act insurance subsidy payments to low-income citizens and instead demand bipartisan healthcare support.
Such compassion for the relative you showed--not likely to be built into EHR/AI soon, as it is increasingly so lacking…