Morning Headlines 7/21/17
Athenahealth, Inc. Reports Second Quarter Fiscal Year 2017 Results
Athenahealth reports Q2 results: revenue climbed 15 percent compared to the same quarter last year, reaching $301 million. Adjusted EPS $0.51 vs. $0.34, beating expectations for both.
Fit for 2020 – Report from the NHS Digital Capability Review
England’s NHS Digital publishes a report outlining its plan to meet its lofty 2020 goals.
Team Trump Used Obamacare Money to Run PR Effort Against It
An investigative report finds that HHS is using taxpayer funding that was supposed to be spent on marketing campaigns to boost ACA enrollment on a series of “viral videos” about individuals that claim to have been harmed by ACA.
Such compassion for the relative you showed--not likely to be built into EHR/AI soon, as it is increasingly so lacking…