Morning Headlines 7/12/17
Celebrating the Life of Neal Patterson
The memorial service for Neal Patterson will be held Thursday, July 13th, at 11am and will be live-streamed.
Nuance Healthcare: Impacted Customer Update
Nuance reports that it will begin holding solution-specific conference calls to update impacted clients on the progress it is making to restore services. Nuance has now been working to restore services for 14 days.
Can Patients Make Recordings of Medical Encounters?
A JAMA review of state laws finds that patients are legally allowed to secretly record clinical encounters in 39 of 50 states and the District of Columbia. A small survey of the general public found that 15 percent of respondents reported having done so in the past.
In England, Drayson Technologies raises a $13 million Series C funding round to commercialize technology developed with Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Such compassion for the relative you showed--not likely to be built into EHR/AI soon, as it is increasingly so lacking…