Morning Headlines 5/30/17
Silicon Valley is trumpeting A.I. as the cure for the medical industry, but doctors are skeptical
CNBC interviews six physicians on their opinion of artificial intelligence and its potential use in healthcare.
Two years in, what has Apple ResearchKit accomplished?
STAT covers the short history of Apple’s ResearchKit as scientists incorporate the platform into increasingly more complex studies.
VA looks at cut in tech funding
The VA’s IT budget is reduced as it grapples with the decision to either modernize VistA or implement a commercial EHR. VA Secretary David Shulkin is reportedly comfortable with the budget decrease, saying “What I think you’re seeing in this budget is a recognition that we do not want to continue to ask for more money and invest more money in fixing broken systems.”
Rebuilding the foundation of health care under MACRA
Deloitte and Network for Excellence in Health Innovation co-author a paper on the anticipated challenges health systems will have implementing MACRA.
The Advisory Opinion on that page states "The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) is designated a health plan... VHA's treatment activities…