Morning Headlines 12/28/16
St. Charles dropped med check system before patient’s death
A patient at St. Charles Medical Center (OR) dies after a nurse administers an IV with the wrong medication mixed in. The hospital had stopped using its stand-alone bedside IV administration software when it moved to McKesson’s Paragon EHR, resulting in a safety gap in its medication administration practices.
Postmarket Management of Cybersecurity in Medical Devices
The FDA releases its final guidance on cybersecurity requirements for medical devices.
A disconnect between physicians and laboratory professionals
A CDC study finds that physicians rarely contact laboratory professionals when faced with questions on which tests to order or how to interpret a result.
A Letter to Donald Trump About Health Care
A New York Times opinion piece calls for Donald Trump to stand by his once outspoken support of universal health insurance coverage amid concerns that the GOP will repeal ACA without passing a replacement law designed to expand insurance coverage.
So timely: I recently got a call about new blood test results, including high levels on a lipid panel (first…