Morning Headlines 9/7/16
Allocation of Physician Time in Ambulatory Practice: A Time and Motion Study in 4 Specialties
The Annals of Internal Medicine publishes a study measuring how outpatient physician’s use their time, finding that only 27 percent of a physician’s day is spent engaging with patients, while 49 percent of their time is spent in EHRs.
How Elizabeth Holmes’s House Of Cards Came Tumbling Down
Vanity Fair covers the rise of Elizabeth Holmes who, in the absence of working technology, raised $700 million in VC investments on the idea of revolutionizing healthcare, until Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist John Carreyrou dismantled the company’s false claims, resulting in the downfall of the business.
How the CIO of a $39 billion pharmaceutical company is quietly changing the tech-startup world
Merck CIO Clark Golestani discusses the need to reinvent a successful organization as a digital enterprise, and how he encourages his team to work with promising startups to deliver new technology faster.
SEC Form 8-K: McKesson Corporation
McKesson discloses in an SEC filling that the Department of Justice is investigating anti-trust concerns with its planned health IT divestment.
Think about how bad Amwell leadership must be. They were handed such an opportunity and they fumbled so hard.