Morning Headlines 8/5/16
Advocate Health Care Settles Potential HIPAA Penalties for $5.55 Million
Advocate Health Care (IL) will pay a $5.5 million HIPAA settlement, the largest in history, stemming from three separate breaches in 2013 that collectively compromised four million patient records.
Cerner Q2 2016 Results – Earnings Call Transcript
In its earnings call, Cerner President Zane Burke reports that 34 percent of sales came from outside the Millennium client base.
SA govt settles unlicensed software lawsuit
In Australian, the government settles a lawsuit brought by patient administration software vendor Global Health, which filed the suit because the government has refused to stop using its legacy software in a dozen public hospitals due to unexpected delays in its Allscripts Sunrise implementation.
Strengthening Research through Data Sharing
Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) publishes an article in NEJM calling for more data sharing in the medical research community, backing a proposal that would require data sharing as a condition of publication in major medical journals.
No worries on HIPAA - they don't bill normally. It certainly suggests the same levels of due diligence as other…