Morning Headlines 7/20/16
An HHS report to Congress points out the lack of applicability of HIPAA privacy and security to non-covered entities such as app vendors, saying it will work with stakeholders to address gaps and adding that the FTC has some enforcement power.
An American Hospital Association survey finds that more than 80 percent of hospitals allow patients to view and download their medical record information, a significant jump since 2013.
How ‘digitizing you and me’ could revolutionize medicine. At least in theory
Eric Topol, MD of Scripps Research Institute defends the administration’s decision to give Scripps a $120 million precision medicine grant to collect and study the data of 1 million volunteers.
C-CDA Scorecard (Beta Release)
ONC creates an online tool that allows testing a C-CDA document to see how well it performs against certification criteria and advanced interoperability rules.
The Advisory Opinion on that page states "The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) is designated a health plan... VHA's treatment activities…