Morning Headlines 7/5/16
Conflicker Used In New Wave of Hospital IoT Device Attacks
A report from IT security firm TrapX Labs concludes that internet-connected medical devices remain a digital soft spot for hackers attempting to infiltrate networks.
NHS seeks cure for its costly digital headache
The Guardian discusses the need to improve data security as England pushes forward with its plans of digitalizing NHS medical records.
CMS updates rule allowing claims data to be sold
CMS publishes a final rule that will expand access to its claims data through the “Qualified Entity Program,” which grants approved organizations access to CMS data sets that include patient-identifiable claims information.
Here’s How a Hacker Extorts a Clinic
TheDarkOverlord , the anonymous hacker responsible for selling four healthcare databases on the dark web last week, says in an interview that he does not feel bad about what he is doing because he is “furthering the enhanced security and development of new protections.”
No worries on HIPAA - they don't bill normally. It certainly suggests the same levels of due diligence as other…