Morning Headlines 4/29/16
Medicare’s new plan for paying doctors: 10 key takeaways
The Advisory Board Company recap’s yesterday’s MIPS and APM incentive proposed rule.
Leidos Holdings, Inc. Reports First Quarter Fiscal Year 2016 Results
Leidos reports Q1 results: revenue grew five percent to $1.31 billion vs. $1.25 billion in the same quarter last year, adjusted EPS $0.72 vs. $0.67. Executives announced that
Athenahealth, Inc. Q1 Profit Rises 47%
Athenahealth reports Q1 results: revenue climbed 24 percent to $256 million vs. 206 million in the same quarter last year, EPS $0.34 vs. $0.24, beating expectations on both.
FDA rejects antipyschotic drug/device combo
The FDA has rejected Proteus Digital Health’s request to embed smart sensors designed to track medication compliance into Otsuka’s antipsychotic medication Abilify.
No worries on HIPAA - they don't bill normally. It certainly suggests the same levels of due diligence as other…