Morning Headlines 4/8/16
MHS Genesis rolls out as name for new electronic health record
The DoD brands its Cerner implementation project MHS Genesis.
A new report finds that CPOE systems fail to flag 39 percent of potentially harmful drug orders and 13 percent of potentially fatal drug orders.
MedStar disputes report it ignored warnings that led to attack
MedStar disputes recent allegations that the ransomware attack it suffered exploited known security flaws from 2007 and could have been prevented with a simple software update.
As hospitals go digital, human stories get left behind
A physician at Massachusetts General Hospital (MA) argues that EHRs fail to capture a meaningful patient story, arguing that EHRs mask “how one symptom relates to another, the emotional context in which the symptoms or events occurred, or the thought process of the physician trying to pull together individual strands of data into a coherent narrative.”
Oracle snippy email: reminds me of Neal's famous pizza email.