Morning Headlines 2/23/16
Coalition of Healthcare Leaders Urges 6 Key Reforms
A coalition of payers, providers, patient advocates, and vendors has issued a report calling for legislative action to help the US health system improve six key issues, including interoperability, care coordination, and patient engagement.
Tenet Swings to Loss Amid Charges
Tenet reports Q4 results: revenue was up slightly to $5.03 billion, adjusted EPS $0.35 vs. $1.03, beating estimates on both. The company recorded an overall net loss of $97 million.
Speeding Up the Digitization of American Health Care
Former National Coordinator for Health IT David Blumenthal, MD and former US CTO Aneesh Chopra, MD co-author a HBR article calling for improvements to the usability of EHRs and “penalties for providers and vendors that slow-walk the digital revolution to protect their economic interests.”
Why DOD cares about hospital network attacks
During a panel discussion, DoD deputy CIO Richard Hale calls for improved network cybersecurity at DoD hospitals and an increased emphasis on identifying and prosecuting hackers.
No worries on HIPAA - they don't bill normally. It certainly suggests the same levels of due diligence as other…