Morning Headlines 2/15/16
New records system takes bite out of Partners earnings
Partners Healthcare (MA) reports net profits of $13 million, down from $74 million last year. The health system blamed the drop in earnings on unexpected costs associated with its $1,2 billion Epic install.
Hack Attack: Hollywood hospital victim of cyber attack
Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center (CA) reports that its network has been infected with ransomware, with the hackers demanding $3 million to restore access.
NHS will monitor Facebook for comment about hospitals, says new CQC head
In England, the NHS will begin reviewing patient complaints about hospitals posted on Facebook as a source of “early intelligence” that may signal potential problems.
In America, the art of doctoring is dying
A Washington Post opinion piece by a retired internist describes the art of medicine as dead, noting that medical students today are trained to focus on technology and testing, and “know little to nothing about how medicine was once practiced.”
No worries on HIPAA - they don't bill normally. It certainly suggests the same levels of due diligence as other…