Morning Headlines 1/28/16
Theranos’ Deficiencies Put Patient Safety In “Immediate Jeopardy”
CMS has issued a public letter to lab test vendor Theranos warning that deficiencies found during its CLIA recertification and compliance inspection put patients in “immediate jeopardy.” Theranos has 10 days to submit proof that the deficiencies have been corrected, or it could lose its CLIA certificate.
McKesson Reports Fiscal 2016 Third-Quarter Results
McKesson reports Q3 results: total revenue up three percent to $47.9 billion, EPS $2.71 vs. $2.04. Technology Solutions revenue was down eight percent, to $694 million, compared to the prior year.
Some States Look to Avoid Federal Obamacare Payments
State officials discuss sharing state insurance exchanges after CMS published new rules last year requiring states to pay a three percent user-fee per policy issued over
The CDC publishes data from its 2014 National Electronic Health Records Survey, finding that 74 percent of office-based physicians are now using certified EHRs, while 32 percent are sharing patient health information with external providers.
Re: What your repository experience says For me, it was Y2K that really drove home the lesson: No one knows…