Morning Headlines 1/21/16
Postmarket Management of Cybersecurity in Medical Devices
The FDA publishes cybersecurity guidelines for medical devices, outlining requirements for manufacturers to conduct postmarket risk analysis, and conduct timely corrective and preventative action.
Senate won’t take up House’s 21st Century Cures Act
The Senate will not move the 21st Century Cures Act forward, citing disagreements over how to pay for the bill.
Oscar Health Raising Giant Funding Round led by Fidelity
Fortune reports that insurance startup Oscar Health is in the process of raising another massive funding round led by Fidelity, with $150 million already committed. Oscar Health has already raised $325 million in the two years since its launch.
Scripps Translational Health Institute publishes findings from a six-month control trial designed to measure cost savings and quality improvements associated with the use remote patient monitoring technologies. Researchers found no difference in cost of care, resource utilization, or clinical outcomes.
The Advisory Opinion on that page states "The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) is designated a health plan... VHA's treatment activities…