I think if you'd look at the recent hearings, VA was saying Cerner would require a 10% increase in staff…
Morning Headlines 10/29/15
Senate passes cybersecurity information sharing bill despite privacy fears
The Senate passes the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act, a bill designed to curb cyberattacks by providing US companies legal immunity for sharing protected information with the federal government. CHIME published a statement of support just after the bill cleared the Senate.
EHR User-Centered Design Evaluation Framework
AMA publishes findings from its EHR user-centered design study, with McKesson and Allscripts finishing at the top with perfect scores, and Epic falling behind both Cerner and Meditech’s legacy system. AMA evaluated 20 EHRs in the study, choosing a mix of inpatient, ambulatory, current, and legacy systems.
HealthTap wants to provide hospitals with their own ‘operating system’
HealthTap launches an all-in-one patient engagement platform designed to help health systems roll out telehealth, secure messaging, online appointment booking, appointment reminders, and a population health analytics system.
“a bill designed to curb cyberattacks”
Oh yeah, that’s totally what it’s about. Next time (I say next time because this is the FIFTH time they’ve tried to pass this bill or a bill just like it) they should just say it’s a bill to give everyone in the US free money… oh, and to spy on everything you do on the internet too, but let’s just forget about that part.