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Morning Headlines 9/17/15

September 16, 2015 Headlines 1 Comment

HELP Committee chairman calls for flexibility in implementation of Stage 3 EHR rules

Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN), chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, calls for a phased in approach to the creation and implementation of MU3.

Hilo Medical Center Selected as 2015 HIMSS Enterprise Davies Award Recipient

Hilo Medical Center (HI) receives the HIMSS Davies Award, being recognized for using its EHR (Meditech) to drive $35 million in cost reductions and a $4 million overall ROI while reducing hospital acquired infections and the mortality rates of patients admitted with pneumonia.

Mayo Clinic and AVIA Announce Finalists Competing for $100,000 THINK BIG Challenge

Mayo Clinic announces the finalists of its Think Big Challenge, a design competition challenging engineers to build tools that promote health lifestyles or help people living with chronic diseases.

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Currently there is "1 comment" on this Article:

  1. Why are all these hospitals spending hundreds of millions of dollars on Epic and other EHRs when our surfer buddies in Hawaii have proven that even Meditech can save you millions? Stupid is as stupid does.

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  1. Is this not just "HIStalk giving their own money, but with extra steps"? I imagine that many sponsors, such as…

  2. Re: Cerner Millennium at VA This is shaping up to be a real popcorn-worthy situation! Possible outcomes: 1). Trump throws…

  3. Doctors and nurses are going to be at the forefront of resistance to the new regime's intent to cause maximum…

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