I think if you'd look at the recent hearings, VA was saying Cerner would require a 10% increase in staff…
Morning Headlines 9/14/15
Do you have a complaint? ONC has a new tool that might help
ONC launches a new EHR complaint form that it will use to “better triage, track, route, and respond to your health IT concerns or challenges.” Users can file complaints concerning EHR usability, interoperability, safety, and more.
When Family Members Run Foundations, Scrutiny Never Ends
The New York Times profiles the philanthropic organization established by Meditech co-founder Mort Ruderman, and the role his grandson plays managing it.
During last week’s Health IT Policy Committee, team members from the Interoperability Task Force presented its report on the barriers facing EHR interoperability, concluding that the market is slowly moving in the right direction, but at an unacceptably slow pace that is being caused by unclear financial incentives for embracing interoperability.
Medical Innovation Bill Passed the House With 344 Votes; Now It’s On Life Support
The 21st Century Cures Act, which passed in the House 344-77 this past July, is facing a tougher time gaining traction in the Senate due to funding issues and its $8.75 billion price tag.
Classic, the ONC complaint form does not work. Broken. Now that is hilarious.