No worries on HIPAA - they don't bill normally. It certainly suggests the same levels of due diligence as other…
Morning Headlines 8/28/15
ICD-10 Medicare FFS End-to-End Testing: July 20 through 24, 2015
CMS publishes the latest results from ICD-10 end-to-end testing: 87 percent of submitted claims were accepted, while the remaining rejected claims were attributed to submission errors. There were zero rejected claims associated with CMS systems issues.
Insurers Win Big Health-Rate Increases
Despite assurances from the White House that insurance premiums would remain stable, several states have approved 2016 premium hikes running as high as 36 percent to cover the cost of insuring a higher mix of sick ACA patients than initially anticipated.
A Blood Test and App May Help Identify Patients at Risk of Suicide
Researchers at the University of Indiana School of Medicine and the Indianapolis VA Medical Center have created an app-based mental health survey that, when combined with recent blood test results, can predict a patient’s likeliness to experience suicidal ideation within the next year with a 92 percent accuracy rate.
The VA OIG finds that VA employees, including its former CIO, had been inappropriately using Yammer, an online messaging and file-sharing system without formal VA approval or monitoring.
Headlines that imply the ACA is increasing premiums across the board in 2016 are irresponsible. My premium for an exchange-purchased New York silver plan is decreasing by ~7% in 2016 from 2015. I would like to see aggregate data on exchange premiums from 2015 to 2016.
We might need to wait a while. Here’s 2014-2015. Published in January.
Anyway, this isn’t the year I’d expect to do really crazy things; when reinsurance and risk corridors go away I’d expect to see real problems. I really don’t understand why it’s permanent for Part D but not for the marketplace(s).