Morning Headlines 1/22/15
Precision Medicine: Improving Health and Treating Disease
The White House releases details on the new precision medicine program President Obama announced during his State of the Union Address. The program will work to individualize treatment plans through advances in genetic research, medical imaging, and health information technology.
Survey finds physicians being forced to switch EHRs
The American Academy of Family Physicians releases survey results from physicians who have recently switched EHRs. The majority reported that the switch was an organizational choice and not their own. 61 percent of those that had a say in which EHR was selected reported being happy with the new system, versus a paltry 19 percent approval rating from new EHR users that were not involved in the selection process.
Doctors Choose the Best Health Apps of 2014
HealthTap, an online Q&A site where doctors respond to anonymous medical questions, publishes a list of the top 100 mHealth apps based on voting by its contributing doctors. The top three were all calorie counter apps, and there were no medication reminder or chronic disease management apps within the top 10.
Cerner Collaborates With VFW to Help Improve Lives of Service Members During and After Their Service
Cerner announces a virtual veterans job fair that it will co-host with the VFW on February 18, and a new conversion tool on its recruitment page that will convert a military job code to an ideal job at Cerner.
So timely: I recently got a call about new blood test results, including high levels on a lipid panel (first…