Morning Headlines 1/13/15
FDA puts interoperability guidance on back burner
The FDA has published its list of priorities for 2015, which includes clarifying regulatory guidance on clinical decision support software, but does not include any short-term efforts to improve interoperability.
eLearning as good as traditional training for health professionals
Researchers at Imperial College in London, carrying out a study commissioned by the World Health Organization, review findings from 108 research studies and conclude that online learning is likely to be as effective as traditional education for training health professionals.
Health Poll: Data Privacy, Part 2
In a survey of 3,000 Americans conducted by Truven Health Analytics, only 53 percent of respondents report that they would be willing to anonymously share their medical data to support research.
So timely: I recently got a call about new blood test results, including high levels on a lipid panel (first…