Such compassion for the relative you showed--not likely to be built into EHR/AI soon, as it is increasingly so lacking…
Morning Headlines 11/11/14
In a just released letter sent to HHS on November 3, CHIME and HIMSS call on Secretary Sylvia Burwell to replace national coordinator Karen DeSalvo, MD quickly if her new appointment as Acting Assistant Secretary of Health is going to be permanent, citing the need for leadership that can focus on the ONC in a full time capacity.
Identification of undiagnosed diabetes and quality of diabetes care in the United States
Researchers with Oxford University were able to identify over 60,000 undiagnosed diabetic patients by developing a search algorithm to pour through a data set of 11 million electronic medical records.
AHA unveils toolkit to help hospitals hire veterans
The American Hospital Association partners with the White House Joining Forces initiative and unveils a new toolset designed to connect hospitals with medically trained soldiers now actively looking for civilian employment.
My sense is that it would be fine to let ONC wind down.
Let’s call the stimulus program very stimulating and successful and release the industry – doctors, nurses, clinical IT staff and software developers go back to their core innovative work.
CHIME – maybe you can get on board with supporting a graceful wind down of ONC.