Such compassion for the relative you showed--not likely to be built into EHR/AI soon, as it is increasingly so lacking…
Morning Headlines 11/7/14
Changes in Medical Errors after Implementation of a Handoff Program
A New England Journal of Medicine study finds that implementing a structured process for resident handoff procedures at nine hospitals led to a 23 percent medical error-rate decrease, and a 30 percent decrease in preventable adverse events.
Epic replies to comments made by Cerner CEO Neal Patterson at health conference
Typically media shy, Epic’s media spokesman responds to charges from Cerner that her company shrugs off its interoperability responsibilities, claiming that, according to KLAS, it is an industry leader in this segment as well.
Allscripts Healthcare: Blue Harbour Group Won’t Go Lightly
Activist investor Blue Harbour Group has increased its stake in Allscripts from five to seven percent.
Im sure ppl have read KLAS’ response to Epic stating we never said that and stop putting words in our mouth? Hahah comedy.
I’m no genius, but I have lived 35 years….when someonen lies/embellishes it usually means they have something to hide.
Admit it, Epic is an old clunker of software/programming. If I created that at ucla in one of my CS classes my peers would have thrown up over the GUI. My generaton and thitse younger than me won’t stad for it.
*typos……….I need to get a Blackberry keyboard.
You must be a paid blogger or something.
The KLAS Klarification was that yes, Epic was number 1 in HIE – for some time now.
Epic gave the Kansas City Star the information correctly – number one at HIE Interoperability and the KCS abbreviated it to just interoperability for which there is not really a KLAS category – gotta love editors.
KLAS, as they have to do when someone objects, has to try to clarify.
But the clarification here is that EPIC IS NUMBER 1 IN HEALTH INFORMATION EXCHANGE!
Checking out the link, you can see why someone might abbreviate it to Interoperability, but that’s not Epic’s fault.
And, by the way, the Epic UI seems to be the best in the industry.
Maybe you should build a better one and become a billionaire in Forbes and impress us all…
Or, maybe you can just hang out in your mom’s basement for another few years.
Easy cowboy……now who sounds like a paid blogger?
The GUI is crap. Bunch of rectangles….I want to scratch my eyes out every time I see Epic….which luckily isnt much. $Billions dont impress me, clean code does. And you have it wrong….my mom lives in My basement!!
To OMG, how was this statement by an Epic spox in quotation marks “abbreviated” at all?
Brian Spranger, media spokesman for Epic, provided this response Wednesday:
“Epic is No. 1 for interoperability performance as ranked by actual users surveyed by the highly respected firm KLAS. Epic can interoperate with any other electronic health record that meets government standards, regardless of vendor. We support open standards rather than private platforms such as CommonWell that further privatize and monetize exchange of health information.”
Read more here:
Ok, well, have fun with your mom.
Interested in seeing your “circular” design. Might even challenge your “circular” commentary.
Rock on dude – with your Mom!
David, nice that this is all philanthropic.
Can you share the detailed business plan and projections from both Cerner (with a long history of selling data) and McKesson (with a long history of selling data) with regard to Common Well?
Also, can you disclose how much data Cerner sells and how much money Cerner makes from selling data?
Seems hugely disingenuous to say “we at CommonWell don’t sell data” when in fact “we at McKesson and we at Cerner sell as much data as we can”.
Who should you trust?
Paragraph 2 of this document:
From a 2010 article about Texas hospitals sharing patient data:
From a 2009 article about Cerner’s data mining
I don’t really understand the whole Epic interoperability talk. Here is a powerpoint from Allscripts that shows Epic interoperability with dbMotion
Not sure what the issue is with Epic seems to work just like everyone else…oh wait.. in Epic the orders typically don’t get lost and match the correct patient in Epic. The bar is pretty low in the EHR world.
They ALL suck.
I agree that bashing on Epic’s UI is unfair, at least within the world of EHRs. Compared with the others, Epic fields the best UI bar none.
But let’s be direct here: that’s like saying stinky turd number 1 is less stinky than turds 2 – 4. Newsflash: THEY ALL STINK. They are all abysmally bad and achieve ticking off their end users with an almost greater capability than that with which they achieve their primary goal.
Dude, I love my mom?!!
PM from Hater. I agree the bar is very low, just bc Epic doesnt smell as bad as others doesnt mean it doesnt smell. As I said, you put Epic in front of my generation and younger and you’ll hear the same thing…it sucks/its ugly/poorly designed.
The only app we like is a homegrown app we use when rounding…..bc its pleasing to look at, a couple clicks to use and we can access it from our issued phones. Epic, not so much.
Trust me, ill be your boss one day 🙂
My generation and younger also dont use “rock on dude” 🙂
@OGMD The good news for me is that you will absolutely never be my boss. The fact of the matter is that EHR’s is so much more than just UI. The other EHRs fail on basic things that do have a dramatic impact on patient safety like keeping track of orders or ensuring that an order is saved to the correct patient. Epic may look ugly, but any nurse I’ve spoken to assures me it’s far easier to navigate than the other options.
Expert clinicians tolerating expert techs who respect expert clinicians – works, it’s the only thing that works and nobody does it because it’s impossible.
note: “Prettiest turd in the punch bowl” is the axiom being sought.