Morning Headlines 11/3/14
Revisions to Payment Policies under the Physician Fee Schedule
CMS updates its 2015 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule, adding a requirement that providers use certified EHRs to support Chronic Care Management, a newly created reimbursable service.
A Future Medicine article discusses the feasibility of comparing EHR systems through comparative effectiveness research, concluding that there are too many variables that would need to be controlled for in the healthcare setting to be able to make an accurate comparison. The authors suggest that the best route would be comparing specific EHR features, rather than entire EHR platforms.
Epic Systems Corporation v. Tata Consultancy Services
Epic files a lawsuit against India-based Tata Consultancy Services alleging that a Tata employee logged into the Epic’s UserWeb and stole documents containing sensitive intellectual property. Epic says the company intends to use the information to improve its own medication management application.
Castlight Health Announces Third Quarter 2014 Results
Castlight Health reports Q3 earnings: revenue jumped 238 percent to $12.2 million, but despite the increase the company recorded a net loss of $20.3 million for the quarter, EPS -$0.23 vs -$1.58.
Such compassion for the relative you showed--not likely to be built into EHR/AI soon, as it is increasingly so lacking…