Morning Headlines 10/22/14
Obama’s Ebola czar declines to testify
Newly appointed Ebola czar Ron Klain declines a request to testify before the House Oversight Committee over the government’s Ebola response thus far. The hearing, scheduled for Friday, will be just his third day on the job.
NCCN Chemotherapy Order Templates to be Integrated into Epic’s Electronic Health Record
Epic will integrate the evidence-based chemotherapy order templates from the National Comprehensive Cancer Network into its Beacon oncology product.
Athenahealth to expand at Ponce City Market
Athenahealth will expand its Atlanta, GA offices, adding 20,000 square feet immediately, with plans to add an additional 40,000 square feet in 2016.
Such compassion for the relative you showed--not likely to be built into EHR/AI soon, as it is increasingly so lacking…