Morning Headlines 8/4/14
Kaiser Permanente, Johns Hopkins Medicine Announce Enhanced Strategic Collaboration
Johns Hopkins and Kaiser Permanente announce a partnership that will focus on “sharing evidence-based best practices, advancing population health programs, collaborating on education and research endeavors, and exploring how the organizations can work together to create better health care models.”
Berwick believes he has a healthy chance in race for governor
Democratic candidate for Massachusetts governor Donald Berwick, MD, says in a recent interview that healthcare costs, which make up 42 percent of the state’s budget, “are just eating the state alive.” He is calling for a single-payer health care system instead.
Hospital wants back CEO charged in scheme to steal $158 million
Riverside Hospital (TX) is asking a local judge to allow one of its healthcare administrators, recently charged with $158 million in Medicare fraud, to return to work at the hospital as an unpaid consultant where he would help them address their financial issues.
I agree HIPAA applies. I've always understood that too.