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Morning Headlines 7/17/14

July 16, 2014 Headlines 1 Comment

Acting head of VA says agency needs $17.6 billion to fix problems

Interim VA Secretary Sloan Gibson testified before the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee today, reporting that the VA would need $17.6 billion in additional funds over the next three years to fix the departments problems.

Program Evaluation of Remote Heart Failure Monitoring

A study published in Telemedicine and e-Health finds significant reductions in overall hospitalization rates followed the implementation of a remote patient monitoring system, but equivalent drops in hospitalization were also seen within the studies control group, leaving researchers with little choice but to conclude that remote monitoring seems promising, but additional research is needed.

States shirking Medicaid fraud reduction: report

An OIG report finds that 14 states are still not reporting enrollment data used to fight fraud within the Medicaid Interstate Match program.

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Currently there is "1 comment" on this Article:

  1. How on earth can they have figured out so quickly that if they were only given $17.6B MORE they could fix all the problems?

    This is a smoke screen. Lack of funding didn’t make them lie about and to our Vets and it didn’t seem to be a problem when it came to handing out bonuses to VA staff.

    The scandal deepens.

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