Thank you for writing "homogeneous" instead of "homogenous".
Morning Headlines 7/1/14
Medical Boards Draft Plan to Ease Path to Out-of-State and Online Treatment
State medical board from across the country have unveiled draft legislation that will ease licensure restrictions that are currently preventing doctors from treating patients that live in other states, a change that proponents of telehealth have been lobbying for for some time.
American Medical Association and the Medical Group Management Association Letter to CMS
AMA and MGMA send a joint letter to CMS administrator Marilyn Tavenner asking for a 30-day extension to the MU Stage 2 hardship exception application deadline, which is currently set for July 1. ONC recently proposed changes relaxing EHR certification standards for the 2014 attestation period, but those changes have not been finalized. The changes would allow providers to use 2011 certified products and 2013 criteria for the 2014 period. Providers are asking that the hardship application deadline be extended so that they can wait to see if these changes are approved and finalized before applying for a hardship exception.
Digital Health Funding: Midyear Review 2014
Rock Health notes, via its mid-year digital health funding report, that digital health startup funding has reached $2.3 billion for the year, already surpassing the total funding levels seen at the close of 2013.
You have to wonder given the ridiculous amounts of money the AMA siphons out of our society through licensing CPT codes if they could afford a proof reader when writing to CMS.
From their letter:
“We recommend that the agency extend the deadline for EPs to submit the hardship
exception to a minimum of 30 days flowing publication of the final rule. ” How about following?