Morning Headlines 6/6/14
ONC publishes a 10-year plan for delivering on nationwide health IT interoperability. The plans objectives are divided into three year, six year, and 10 year milestones and culminates with the realization of “a learning health system.”
Senate confirms Sylvia Mathews Burwell as new secretary of HHS
Sylvia Mathews is officially confirmed as the next secretary of HHS, replacing the departing Kathleen Sebelius.
Telehealth scheme set to be rolled out to 300,000 households
The NHS will distribute 300,000 iPads and iPhones to seniors with chronic diseases to support a new telehealth initiative that’s earlier pilot project resulted in a 70 percent reduction in hospital admissions.
CMS publishes its annual update to the electronic clinical quality measures for eligible provider. Reporting on the measures is required for providers participating in Meaningful Use and the Physician Quality Reporting System, though providers are free to report on any eCQM version.
HIPAA does apply to VA care delivery environments, though, as I understand it, regardless of their billing practices.