I think if you'd look at the recent hearings, VA was saying Cerner would require a 10% increase in staff…
Morning Headlines 9/11/13
Nashville’s HealthStream buys Pensacola health care consultants
Nashville-based HealthStream, an software-as-a-service vendor focused on delivering professional development and educational tools to hospital employees, pays $8.5 million to acquire Baptist Leadership Group, a healthcare consulting firm offering programs aimed at increasing patient satisfaction, employee engagement, and quality outcomes.
A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association following the implementation of EHRs across outpatient clinics between 2005 and 2008 found a small but statistically significant drop in ED visits and hospitalizations after EHRs were introduced.
Six Reasons Why Nuance Needs To Put Icahn On Its Board Now
Forbes covers Carl Icahn’s increasing shareholder position in Nuance, arguing for why the company would be better off adding him to their board than continuing with their poison pill defense.
ONC publishes an integration guide for EHR developers building applications for clinical environments that fall outside the scope of Meaningful Use.
From the archives – it’s interesting to read this article 9 years later and see how healthcare has evolved: