ERP is vague. Is Epic doing the procurement and inventory part, the scheduling and timesheets part, the finance part, or…
Morning Headlines 8/12/13
Draft – FDASIA Committee Report
HIT Policy Committee’s FDASIA workgroup, tasked with determining now to address patient safety concerns with electronic health records, call for leaving healthcare IT unregulated by FDA, but encourages reporting, post-implementation safety testing, and allowing customers to publicly rate their applications. They also call for national standards for quality process and interoperability and encouraging vendors to publicly share patient safety information.
WattsUpDoc looks at medical device power usage to spot malware
University of Michigan researchers develop WattsUpDoc, which detects malware in biomedical devices by looking for changes in the power they consume.
Merge parts ways with CEO Jeff Surges after a disappointing quarterly report.
The potent influence of the vendors is just a bit apparent in the output of the FDASIA work group. And the influence of the clinician users who struggle to keep their patients safe is totally missing in the same output. Wow, were there any clinician users in he group? Not that I saw.