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Morning Headlines 7/19/13

July 18, 2013 Headlines 1 Comment

Athenahealth Slips To Loss In Q2; Backs FY13 Outlook

Athenahealth reports a $12.4 million net loss, or -$0.34 per share in its Q2 results. Despite the poor performance, the company stands by its year end-forecast.

Data show electronic health records empower patients and equip doctors

CMS releases a report touting standout metrics of the EHR incentive program. It says EHRs have sent 190 million prescriptions and 13 million patient reminders electronically.

Bill sets timeline for health records sharing

Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) proposes a bill that would set concrete milestones and a firm timeline for the VA/DoD EHR project.

Hospital Denied Access to Its Own Records

Milwaukee Health Service is suing Atlanta-based Business Computer Applications, demanding that the company restore access to its electronic medical records. Milwaukee Health scrapped BCA’s Pearl EMR and migrated to GE Centricity, but BCA says it has not been fully paid.

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  1. CMS reports millions sent just like the burger business, millions sold. My research informs that an important step in quality control is missed with e-rx. The patient does not read the rx while everything is fresh in mind in the doctor’s office.

    Going to the patient portal, patients have become exceedingly anxious and worried reading results about which they know little, demanding of doctors about minutiae, and self treating with antibiotics and other pills laying around the house. Now that is empowerment. Sick.

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