Morning Headlines 4/3/13
Nuance Jumps After Investor Carl Icahn Reports 9.3% Holding
Wall Street billionaire Carl Icahn, known for his longstanding history of executing hostile corporate takeovers, reveals that he currently holds a nine percent stake in Nuance. Should he manage to seize control, Nuance would very likely be reorganized, forcing out failing business units and consolidating the rest. Shares rose eight percent in after hours trading on the news.
WMC health records now electronic
238-bed Weirton Medical Center, WV, goes live on its $30 million Siemens Soarian EHR implementation.
Mo. Senate passes required telemedicine coverage
The Missouri Senate has approved legislation requiring insurance companies to cover medical services provided electronically if they cover for the same service delivered in person.
February 2013 EHR Incentive Program
CMS has paid $12.7 billion in Meaningful Use incentive payments through February.
RazorInsights Hires Former Siemens RVP Karl Kiss to Drive Sales
Karl Kiss, regional vice president at Siemens, moves to RazorInsights taking over as VP of sales and marketing.
Thank you for writing "homogeneous" instead of "homogenous".