I think if you'd look at the recent hearings, VA was saying Cerner would require a 10% increase in staff…
Morning Headlines 3/27/13
Rough landings: DOD, VA sluggish helping returning veterans, study says
An Institute of Medicine review criticizes the VA and DoD for using scientifically unproven diagnostic and therapy tools to treat depression and TBI and for faltering on plans to integrate medical records in the coordinated care of transitioning veterans.
Oregon Health & Science University will notify around 4,000 patients of a data breach stemming from an unencrypted laptop that was recently stolen, marking the third time in the last five years that OHSU has had a data breach affecting more than 500 individuals.
FDA 101: A guide to the FDA for digital health entrepreneurs
Rock Health publishes a SlideShare presentation on the path to FDA clearance and the criteria that regulators are looking for.
GPs only act on 2% of computer prescribing alerts, says study
A study commissioned by the UK’s NHS concludes that providers only act on two percent of drug alerts while prescribing. The problem, the study suggests, is that alerts are presented at the end of the prescribing process rather than at the beginning where they would be more likely to alter medication selection.
In the OHSU caption “effecting” –> “affecting.”
Sorry to be the grammar police.