Morning Headlines 3/6/13
Allscripts (MDRX) Announces Acquisition of dbMotion, Jardogs
Allscripts announces that it has acquired patient engagement solutions vendor Jardogs, which offers a highly rated PHR and a population health manager among other products. Allscripts also announces the acquisition of HIE vendor dbMotion. The acquisitions support Allscripts strategy of creating a connected community of health solutions. Details were not announced, although a financial publication from dbMotion’s home base of Israel placed that transaction’s value at $235 million.
Verizon Introduces Messaging Service for Health Data Transfer
Verizon unveils a secure universal messaging service that aims to allow clinicians to exchange messages and medical records through a secure browser interface regardless of whether they belong to the same health network or HIE. The platform provides an entirely independent option for physician to physician communication and file sharing.
HL7 Announces Plans for Freely Available IP and Future Membership Model
Health Language Seven (HL7) announces that it will make most of its intellectual property, including of its standards, freely available effective April 1st. The company had promised as much in September, but had not disclosed details or set an effective date.
Accretive to restate financials
After delaying the release of Q4 and Year End financials, Accretive Health has announced that it will not submit its year end report on time and will need to restate both current and past financial results. Shares are down more than 20 percent since the initial delay last week.
Thank you for writing "homogeneous" instead of "homogenous".