I think if you'd look at the recent hearings, VA was saying Cerner would require a 10% increase in staff…
Morning Headlines 11/27/12
Merge and Surescripts have reached an agreement that will connect the networks to allow hospitals and imaging centers to send reports and images to practice EMRs through the Surescripts network.
OIG lists EHR incentives abuse, security among top HHS challenges
OIG releases its 2012 Top Management and Performance Challenges Report, citing Integrity and Security of Health Information Systems and Data among its top 10 continuing issues for the new year.
EHR and patient portal vendor Hello Health announces an $11.5 million investment from First Generation Capital that it will use to bolster its freeware EHR platform to create a revenue positive EHR for private practice physicians.
MMRGlobal Receives Fifth Patent Expanding Rights to Control of Online Medical Record
Patent troll MMRGlobal Receives a fifth patent involving patient portals and personal health records.
Syndromic surveillance for health information system failures: a feasibility study
A recent JAMIA study suggests syndromic surveillence methods may be used to monitor health information technology systems to detect system failures earlier.
Maybe Surescripts should figure out electronic prescribing to where people actually want to use it first, then worry about emailing radiology films around to people. The only reason the pharmacies and big payers created Surescripts was to do electronic prescribing and it still hasn’t fulfilled its purpose yet, makes you wonder why they would be busy doing stuff irrelevant to the monopoly they’ve got subsidized by CMS rules. Gotta love government-supported monopolies – so efficient.