ERP is vague. Is Epic doing the procurement and inventory part, the scheduling and timesheets part, the finance part, or…
From HIMSS 3/2/10
HERtalk by Inga
From: Soda Pop Man “Re: HIStalk reception. All those who attended can attest, all proper propers belong to Ivo, Inga, and Mr. H for organizing an exceptionally fun evening. Great job, guys, a truly fun time…thank you!”
From: Evan Steele “Re: Sashes, strangers, and shoes. Thank you for a GREAT evening at Max Lager’s! The sash was perfect (“HIStalk Certified” made for a great conversation piece)! Although I am not the type who easily mingles with strangers in a room, I found the HIStalk readers very approachable and I had some great conversations.
This will be a quick post as I have an 8:15 meeting (what was I thinking?) HIMSS has been predictably fast and furious with big crowds and lots of walking. Here are a few random impressions from Monday:
- Overheard in the ladies’ room: “Where the heck is the coat check?” I, too, had problems finding one. I am sure there’s at least one but the place is so huge that I wasn’t going to walk from one Hall C to Hall A just to dump my coat.
- I was a little bit disappointed with my interoperability booth tour. My presenter had some microphone problems so I couldn’t hear very well. And, too much time was spent with the overview of the whole interoperability concept, rather than demonstrating how it all worked. Still, it’s impressive that something like 70 vendors participated.
- The Blue Cat booth is offering a roller coaster-type experience, if you like that sort of thing. If you like eye-candy, they offer that as well.
- Hexaware had a unique booth concept with lots of plants on the ground, making the booth look a bit like a garden. They were promoting their green theme.
- Actuate is handing out $5 Starbucks gift cards, if you spend a few minutes chatting with them, like I did.
- I sat in on a Sage presentation in hopes of winning an iPod shuffle. I lost but the presentation was good (short and to the point.)
- I’ve noticed that the booths with the most activity are the HIE vendors. I rested my weary feet a bit and listened to an Ingenix presentation. When I stood up to leave I noticed there was a crowd three deep standing behind me. I saw similar crowds at Medicity, Axolotl, and dbMotion.
- PatientKeeper, Nuance and RelayHealth seem to have much bigger booths than in previous years.
- Chair massages can be found at DCS, which was near the McKesson booth
- As I walked by Bottomline Tech at about 3:45, folks were queuing up for cocktails. I waited until 4:00 and got an “Inga’tini from SIS. Highly recommended.
- Mr. H mentioned that the Google booth appeared slow. Not when I went by. Although I can’t figure out what they are offering that makes the crowd so curious.
- Chetu has a couple of gorillas in their booth. One of the guys working the booth told me they had wanted the gorillas to walk the floor wearing a Chetu sign. HIMSS nixed that idea. Apparently HIMSS thought some company might conclude that if one vendor could have gorillas walking around, then it would be acceptable to send forth girls in bikinis.
And, of course, the HIStalk reception was incredible. Thanks to all who attended and definitely to our hosts. Amy Glass with Encore rocks! Jonathan Bush was an incredibly funny announcer, which I believe our EHR-TV folks caught on tape. Yes, the very down-to-earth and friendly Judith Faulkner did stop by and even wore her sash that said, “No Pie for Me.” We awarded a couple of bonus sashes for great shoes. I checked out the shoes of both recipients and agree they were worthy of recognition. I’m hoping someone snapped a photo of the winning shoes.
I have lots of photos to post and will get to those in the next couple of days. More later!
“No Pie for Me.” = ROTF. 🙂 Sounds like a fantastic first day, and can’t wait to see the pictures.
Notes from the field:
I hear from a very good source (my evil twin) that the reception was the most fun one can have at HIMSS. She relays this story…
After a delightful day perusing the vendors with her highly geeky work husband she (clinical and somewhat drifty) feels like she is back in her high school days…being pursued and catered too. They are the deciders for a very large health system in the deep south and as such have many suitors at HIMSS.
Towards the end of the delightfully long day they found the amazing “Surgical Information Systems” booth and they indulged in several “Ingatinis”. Brilliant marketing as everyone wanted to know where she got that cocktail in the blinky glass. Well her college was done in by a late night of driving miles of smoozing and said libations, so he left her on her own to ponder her fate for the eve. Hmmmmm, the aquarium, Colby Callay, the big event at Coke world or….eureka! The HisTalk invite. Wearing the highest heels she could muster (15 years as an ICU/ED nurse = orthopedics only) she leapt into the carriage (ok, taxi) and off she goes to meet the elusive Inga and Mr.
It was a wonderful decision, after being serenaded by a bagpiper (kilt and all) out front to the tune of amazing grace and finding they had much in common regarding undergarments …hilarity ensued. She remains sketchy on details but remembers some really hunky smart guys in pink pants, free flowing alcohol and very funny ( accurate) presentations as well as conversations that went well into the night.
She says I can wear her sash today which reads “HisTalk Booth Babe” but refuses to tell me how she won the honor. To all the vendors at HIMSS, I have been disappointed in the swag this year so when I stop by please reach under the curtain and get out the good stuff…remember I am the decider.
Thanks to Mr. HIStalk and Ms. HERtalk for the opportunity to perform the world premier of the Meaningful Yoose Rap at the HIStalk Reception! It was great fun… Special thanks to the Encore folks – professional and pleasant sound folks made the Rap rock!