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Pam Pure Leaves McKesson

March 31, 2009 News 87 Comments

McKesson announced this morning that Pamela J. Pure, executive vice president and president of McKesson Technology Solutions, has left the company as of yesterday. No reason was given for her departure and no replacement was named.

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Currently there are "87 comments" on this Article:

  1. McKesson definitely got rocked today. We did not see the Pam departure coming. A real shame-she is a great leader and really in tune with the employees.
    David Pure was with RelayHealth

  2. Pam was a class act, i worked with her, she is passionate about healthcare and is an excellent executive who gave time for everyone in her organization.

    Pam someone will appreciate you better than MCK.

  3. Possibly happened because she committed double digit EBIT for several years and never delivered

  4. Pam was over her head and created an elitist approach to customers and partners – she needed to go and actuallly leave the industry to her horses long time ago ! and opf course there was a little nepotism with regards to her husband being involved in strategic roles he always underperformed in her companies but always managed to get away !

  5. I just hope the MCK employees got to enjoy a dramatic tear filled departure like she used at IDX/Channelhealth. That was an academy award winning performance. Well worth the stock compensation she left with…

  6. Clearly you are a man. Pam is a great business person, clearly it is men like you who can only handle one task at a time, that point the finger. You obviously have not made it to President of your organization like she has, have you?? Have you thought about the leadership around her, no one is making their number, most of the sales leadership is pathetic, and they all focus on keeping he dudes around that they like, and strategically oust really good sales talent, that’s the stuff Pam does NOT know about. She will find much greener pastures and blow MCK away.. trust me.

  7. Former-IDXer – On the ground floor (MPT), we were too busy reeling from our colleagues being laid off to notice Pam’s depature…

  8. Agreed comment 12-the lay offs were rough. Former IdXer sounds a little insecure with themselves. There was no drama filled tear performance by Pam. We actually got a pretty harsh e-mail from Mr Hammergren himself. Whatever the reasons for the departure, every company and I mean EVERY company has an executive that could perform better. So let’s not make this sound like just a McK thing. McKesson appreciated her as did a good amount of her employees and we certainly wish her well.

  9. Pam is a nice lady but did not deliver a world class Clinical Information System that could compete with Epic, Cerner, Eclipsys or an ambulatory product to compete with other leaders. Also her sales and Marketing team became bloated and unable to compete in market place.

  10. Pam was not served well by her direct reports. If anything, John Hammer should have fired some of the ‘boys’ underneath Pam. She took responsibility for their inability to deliver! Yes, ulimately it was her responsibility and she did bring some of the ‘boys’ into her organization; however, she should have cut the leash on a few of them a few years ago when they couldn’t deliver!

  11. Another CEO bites the dust!!! Yay!!, can life get any better? These worthless idiots are finally being exposed for what they are, figureheads who collect giant salaries!!

  12. Most of Pam’s big moves turned out to have been big failures with the possible exception of Relay Health. Encore is years late and way over budget, meanwhile the market passed it by. Outsourcing to India was poorly conceived and executed. Critical brainpower was laid off in the US and never made up for in India. And the Per Se acquisition was probably the final straw. To Graham’s credit, McKesson recovered from the HBOC fraud and Pam deserves a little bit of credit for being part of that. But overall, she has little to take credit for.

  13. Boy oh boy; as someone who knew Pam from the early days, there certainly appears to be no middle found here, I always found her to be smart, quick to catch on and a team player. Maybe we all change with age.

  14. The outsourcing to India is a BIG problem. Cheap prices and smooth talking “Arrangers” have sold Accenture, IBM, Eclipsys and McKesson plus thousands of others on this great idea which has never worked out. Why? Because we can not and do not communicate the minute and subtle differences in program design and what we get back is not what we thought we asked for. It is a mutual problem betweem two differnt cultures and lots of miles. Dumb, Dumb, Dumb.

  15. McKesson does not take the time to grow its top management personnel or organically grow its products.
    Pam is a good leader but she’s like the rest of McKesson’s top management out of Alpharetta. Job hopping from one company to another. Developing staff is discarded every Q4 like clockwork.
    I wonder which competitor will supply Alpharetta’s new leadership?

  16. It seems apparent that many execs are there temporarily–usually a 3 year stint. In fact, I’ve heard some even openly share that–“I’m going to do this for three years…” Perhaps Pam is on her way up the ladder, or perhaps she herself is the victim of cost-containment measures. Health IT Churn is exactly right. MCK “manages” salary expense by minimizing the number of those with tenure.

  17. People that say ridiculous stuff about Pam and McK leadership have such little class…And they don’t even know what they are talking about. I think most of it comes out of jealousy. Get a life.

  18. They need to clean house on all of the Clinical group presidents and many of their VPs. The company is filled with people in leadership positions that care more about their egos and bonuses than the customers and employees.

    It is the most disfunctional company I have ever experienced…

    Pam was fine, but many of the leaders in the layers bellow her would gladly stab her or anyone else in the back to try to get a better position.

  19. I know Pam very well. She is micro manager who does not empower anyone in her organization on to run their businesses. She has no focus and chases 50 ideas at any given time instead of focusing on key deliverables. Ultimately, her down fall came for having chased every idea that ran through her head and most of that came in the form of acquisitions that never delivered. She has a very weak team on the provider side and most of the remaining leaders need to go also. The organization needs a new culture that is not all about Pam. The business needs a significant product portfolio review, focus and major overhead reduction.

  20. Pam is a sharp lady, but she has failed to deliver on several fronts.

    (1) Hospital Clinicals- the Horizon Clinicals offering has been a disaster. Tons of money spent with very few customers to show for it.
    (2) The new Horizon ERM product- it’s years late and over-budget. There’s still a lot of smoke and mirrors there.
    (3) Ambulatory- failure to deliver a competitive solution to NextGen, Allscripts or Athena.
    (4) Organic growth- how many products can you name that MPT has developed and grown to a market-leading position.
    (5) Acquisitions- while a lot of good acquisitions have been made, those products have steadily declined once they have become part of MCK.

    The MPT organization is the most back-stabbing political org that I have ever seen. At the end of the day, Pam had to take the fall for all of this. It will be interesting to see if they can find a great leader to replace her. In her defense, it’s a tall order to be successful in such a huge company.

  21. Insider nailed. All five reasons for ‘why’ Pam was fired are correct.
    John H. should fire the VP of Clinical and VP/GM of Revenue Cycle. They are as much to blame as was Pam.

  22. Dysfunctional is an understatement. I used to compete against McKesson, and then joined the company as part of an acquisition. The company is a true joke – and the leaders that need to go? Start with [name omitted] – talk about arrogant! He has delivered nothing, the sales organization is absolutely in shambles – and I feel for them because they have no true leadership. They should all leave and go work for a company that can deliver market leading products. The McKesson products are a mad mess of spaghetti.

    [From Mr. HIStalk] Sorry for removing the person’s name you gave, but I get antsy about calling people out specifically. People will probably know who you’re talking about, though.

  23. The problem was not Pam. It was the boys club that she allowed to organize below her. The boys club that moves from management position to management position never accomplishing anything but adding members to there little gang.

  24. Rumor has it that McKesson is now on a hiring freeze as of last week…any truth to it? Is there restructuring in all groups (ouside of Provider Technologies??). Thanks for your insight…

  25. Anyone care to share the “pretty harsh e-mail from Mr Hammergren” mentioned above?

  26. Where did the majority of the lay-offs occur – or were they across the board? They seem to be very-well buried. Are more expected?

  27. It would seem to me that some folks who are still there are not performers. Hopefully they have some people remaining who can make a difference

  28. There were layoffs across the board but I heard about marketing, product management, and several previous directors of Per-Se and the previous GM. Mainly due to reorganization after the acquisition.

  29. The RIF was acroos the board….rumors state a wide range between 126 and 600. Most of the employees I am aware of (including myself) had greater than 10 years tenure with the copmpany…..very disappointing to give so much loyalty and do well with performance evaluations as well as raises only to be RIFd for what is supposedly not performance reasons……and Senior Management bemoans the fact that loyalty by the average employee is non-existant…….the lesson is – you have to give respect and loyalty to get respect and loyalty.

  30. Has anyone heard how Graham is doing? He was battling cancer which was the reason he stepped down…..maybe Hammergren can sweet talk him into returning…..

  31. Hope Pam is sitting on a beach with a cool one right now. She must be thrilled to get out of that cesspool of Pac-Managers she was surrounded by.

    I believe it was micro managing that brought her down ultimately. Micro managers raise future micro managers and they are alll known to eat their young, but every now and then, a really nasty one will eat his/her parent.

  32. am sure Pam will now have time to keep track of David and what he is really up to while she has been working her A– off for him to reap the $$$$ benefits.

  33. Don’t worry too much on Pam – she and her dancing horses now have more time togehter. And we don’t have to be lectured on the art of making a horse dance!

  34. BTY INDIA didn’t work because you can’t replace a department that has all FTE with 10 to 20 years in HealthCare IS and replace them with fresh from college non english speaking junior programmers that can’t even understand what you are saying. It is just too bad that we lost so many good FTE’s while that stupidity was in play

    We’d also like ti see the real ‘guys’ behind that go bye-bye right along with Pam and all the unneeded VP’s that joined MCK once she took over.

  35. I don’t understand what McKesson thought it was going to do so differently that would make the outcome any better then it was for all the other companies that tried the offshore thing in the past. One would think they would have learned from others’ (comparable companies like Dell, etc.) mistakes…….

  36. I have been following these comments with extreme interest. I am a mckesson customer who has experienced yet another delay in delivery of a product. When you mention that “encore” is very late and a problem that worries me. We are the “experimental” site for encore and we are experiencing pain right now. We keep having problems and delays from McKesson. Will we ever go live with HEO/HED? We keep waiting on “encore” to communicate with clinicals. Is that a problem with outsourcing to India?
    Does anyone know, will it ever communicate with clinicals?

  37. Wake up and open your eyes, Epic out innovated McKesson and grabbed a ton of market share while Pam ran MPT. Good move Hammergren. Now finish the job.

  38. Dear Enduser,
    I hate to say this but MCK has been geeting rid of tenure employees for about 8 years now. MGT does not care about knowledge and customer service, they care only about green beans and cutting support money.
    Encore is not gonna fly any time soon.. I would look hard and long at EPIC.. It has everything you need and 1 user login to the patient world. And no I’m not an Epic employee,, x mck employee that was layed off after awards and all… I hold Pam resp for the fall of long standing employees, she should have been keeping up with that as well as the cut throat managers that work under her at all levels..

  39. I beg to differ. If she had left on her own accord. You might be right But if the hammer had not come down on her, she would still be the Pres. of MPT. So let’s not put her on a pedstal she does not deserve.

  40. Here is what VPs under Pam were up to…partnerships with bad banks….what a joke:

    Press Release-June 21, 2007

    JPMorgan Chase and McKesson Form Strategic Relationship To Transform and Simplify Healthcare Claim and Payment Processing

    The Healthcare Solutions business of JPMorgan Chase (NYSE: JPM) and RelayHealth, the connectivity services company of McKesson Corporation (NYSE: MCK), announced that they have formed a strategic relationship to offer an integrated set of claim and payment processing solutions.

    “We are pleased that JPMorgan Chase shares our commitment to delivering an electronic payment processing cycle that will yield greater efficiencies and better value for the insurer community,” added James Bodenbender, senior vice president and general manager of McKesson’s RelayHealth. “Through this unique relationship, we will leverage our relationship coverage with that of JPMorgan Chase to promote a full suite of solutions that foster simplification and efficiency while driving down costs.”

  41. I left McKesson on my own after 8 years with the company. I saw this disaster coming. The SR Mgrs were so focused on their bonuses that they didn’t stop to consider the implications of replacing good people with inexperienced off-shore resources. Replacing programmers is not llike replacing office furniture! All of the years of experience went out the door.

    As far as Pam is concerned, you have to be on the bottom of the ladder to understand what it was like to work under her. She was only concerned about one person–herself. As soon as she took over for Graham, she immediately removed the gain sharing program. Then, to top if off, she instituted a “performance-based” merit increase where everyone was graded on a curve. This meant that managers had to “fight” to defend the rating they gave you against everyone else, and only a certain number of people could be in each rating category above “average”. How ridiculous is that? So, let’s turn everyone from a team player into a backstabber so they get a better increase!

    The final straw was when she withheld merit increases for other employees, but paid out 50% of the bonuses for the KMIC (directors and above) employees. Let’s see–who needs the money more, you think? And who gets paid a lot more?

    One more thing…(you can tell I’ve been saving this up). Get rid of the ineffective, lazy managers that don’t do their job! The “boys club” mentally needs to go, or pretty soon their won’t be an MPT anymore.

  42. Former MCK employee hit the nail on the head. .The only problem is bad managers are so deeply embedded in the corp structure that it will be impossible to root them out.. And then you have the go with the flow managers that will change like a chameleon and follow which ever the current in thing to do is.. these are the most dangerous and hard to find, but ya can always spot them when it’s raise time. They will cut throat for sure when it comes to money.. and the workers will suffer and be cut..
    How much money did upper. upper mgt make for last year??Check it out, ,another Million’s of dollar plus for the elite,, while employees were laid off and got no raises this year… That’s ICARE for ya

  43. I have worked on Encore in India. I think what “Former McK Employee” and “MCK 13yrs” say is right. I have seen a lot of fresh talent come out of college and start working on products like “Encore” without even understanding what the customer requires. This added to the failure of “Encore”

  44. Interesting. Pam Pure sounds a lot like Judy Faulkner. Micro manager, 50 projects at once, the pay raise system described is exactly the same as Epics where everyone is force into the average category.

  45. Duncan was let go not too long after Pam. Rumor has it – he and Sonny Sanyal were up for the same position under Pam a while back. Sonny got the position and Duncan had to report back to Sonny – made for some very uncomfortable meetings…bad ju-ju

  46. lets just remember that this isn’t Pharma. Don’t confuse MPT with all of McK.

  47. Agreed – Pam controlled only Provider Technologies.

    Middle to upper level management seems to have the GE mentality that seasoned, senior level professionals can be replaced with greenbeans right out of college (in most cases – the last time these ‘kids’ were in a hospital was the day they were born) – OR – off shore resources (that have no concept of the US healthcare system business model) for about a third of what is paid to experienced, high performing employees. The remaining senior level employees continue to experience quality of life deterioration because they are left to carry the greenbeans and/or off shore resources often working 60-80 hour weeks for ‘average’ perfrmance ratings, no merit increases and reduced or no bonuses due to poorly designed/programeed/GA’d products…….which then causes those employees to resign for different opportunities and the greenbean cycle begins again……

    While this business strategy looks good for the bottom line on an immediate basis – McKesson will ultimately pay a much higher price tag over the long haul.

    Additionally – customers have been grumbling for quite some time about the 175/hr cost they are baring for the privledge of training McKesson greenbeans, consequently, McKesson has lost a significant amount of consulting business to independants and consulting firms. That loss is not going to impove anytime soon with this latest round of layoffs of senior brain trust employees.

  48. Hey Guys, How are the Paragon and Practice Partner groups to work for ?. A good friend of mine is considering an offer from MPT are they considering any RIFs ?..I personally work on the pharma side and dont have a clue about the internal dynamics of MPT..

  49. At this point, with two key player positions open (Pam’s and Duncan’s) – the internal dynamics within McKesson are in a state of flux; however, based upon past performance, they have only done two lay-offs in a year one other time that I am aware. Lay-offs are usually done the end of physical year (which is March) so they are probably ‘safe’ for at least the remainder of this year.

    Paragon is on the way up – they did not do any layoffs in that area this time around so, presumably, they are somewhat well protected as they are the only solution McKesson has for the small to mid size hospitals – additionally – Paragon is supposedly ‘scalable’ to work for hospitals having as many as 1200 beds…… The GM for Paragon is very egotistical but I suppose that comes with the GM territory. He has a pretty good management staff and the CPG folks are wonderful to work with.

    Practice Partner is having some struggles but again – I am not aware of any lay-offs in that area. The bulk of the lay-offs this last time appeared to be in Horizon, legacy and sales organizations.

    Hope that helps!

  50. Graham is just as responsible as is Pam. He hand picked her, mentored her, and has basically directed her for the last 8 years. When Graham sneezed Pam farted. If upper level management was held to the same level of execution as the sales team was and is, heads would have rolled a long time ago in product development, product marketing, etc. Graham has never gotten his arms around how to measure non-sales personnel, nor did Pam. That is what is killing MPT.

    MCK has always been about delivering on the numbers with little repercussion for missed development deadlines or quality code. Now, they can’t give away their clinical systems now because the total cost of ownership of “free” over the life of the product is far more costly even without a seven figure acquisition fee. MPT is a total goat rodeo.

    The MCK board needs to serve the shareholders by spinning off MPT/Relay. If they don’t do this they are only rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic and will likely begin to impact margins in the pharma and supply divisions.

  51. ambyguy – Yes, the Paragon side is good to work for. They travel (the services side anyway) all the damn time, but that comes with the territory. RIFs happen, but like someone said earlier, they typically happen @ the end of the FY.

    Pratice partner is fun as well; however, it’s never been my cup of tea.

    As for everyone else on this thread, I’d just remind you to put more value in your individual relationships rather than try to force some sort of opinion out of a strategic move by the senior way way way up there management.

  52. What role does Jim Bodenbender play in this whole thing. He is the main guy right under Pam Pure. I have been hearing a lot about other people, but not to much about him.

  53. Poor Pam. It must be hard being among the growing ranks of the unemployed like so many others these days. I hope she hasn’t spent all of the $11,765,041 that McKesson paid her in in 2009 yet. Of course, that was nearly DOUBLE her compensation for each of the 2 prior years. McKesson has a “pay for performance” policy, so if they doubled her compensation in 2009 her performance must have been really good, so why would they let her go?

    Something just doesn’t add up here. As a stockholder, I’m not sure what I’m getting.

  54. I heard there are more layoffs to come. They seem to got rid of those people they did not want.

  55. More big changes in the Horizon Clinical Management team….a CPM director was sent to Marketing where she will have no more employees reporting to her – good move…..it is unclear where the CPM VP went but the Sr. VP over all of Horizon Clinical Services has now got only the Project Management and the PMO came out from under Sales and is now aligned with the Services organization but is not under the same SR VP that has project management….another good move….if the 4 leaders involved with CPMs and PMO (CPEs) can put egos aside for the good of the organization and work together to reduce redundancy and ensure that project and program management are pulling in the same direction….all Horizon Clinicals under new Sr. VP leadership – Charmaine McDonald….another good move….have worked with Charmaine in the past….if anyone can straighten this mess out – Charmaine is the person to do it.

  56. Not sure what magic you expect Charmaine to produce. The issue with McKesson is that they are totally driven by their finances. I suspect there are many good people within McKesson who truly do care about their customers and the products they produce, but are not able to do what they believe is right because of direction from management that is driven totally by the need to “make the numbers.” Too bad.

    Not much evidence one way or another on Pam’s replacement, Patrick Blake. Hasn’t done anything yet. From his background he seems to be yet another sales guy, unlikely to drive solid direction on products and customer satisfaction, but let’s see what he comes up with. I’d like to think that he is a fresh face who might surprise us.

    The appointment many months ago now of Randy Spratt as CTO seemed promising but no visibility of any results from this so far. Product development is a huge weakness of MCK so one might have expected an outside appointment in this role, but no. Spratt’s appointment is a look to the past, not the future. McKesson really needed a boost in how it develops software but in turning to Spratt, the company has decided to look at how it did things in the past and not how it should do things in the future. We were hoping for better.

  57. After following these comments I am extremely happy that I did not accept a position from McKesson. I have known the “internal politics” there through several of their “upper managers”. With the “boys club” that reported to her, it seems they were hired more for their “looks” than their ability to run a business.
    I feel for the customers and stockholders that are going to be left high and dry in a very short time. All of the above comments regarding the “boys club” are so accurate it amazing the “big boys” like Hammergren are so blind as to what is really happening there.

    What a shame…they could have had it all.

  58. Pat Blake headed McKesson Specialty. His major accomplishments:

    1. Enlarging the name to McKesson Specialty Care Solutions.
    2. Acquiring a huge oncology GPO that basically took over the BU culture. It’s become largely an onco business.

    As a non-management employee, I didn’t see much of Pat who usually hid out in SF anyway, sort of like the Wizard of Oz. He was only with the BU for about 2.5 years if even that long.

    He fired a lot of sr. execs including quite a few who deserved it IMHO.

    But he was rather distant and not nearly as communicative with employee as Brian Tyler, his predecessor who is now president of Med-Surg, or Peggy Yelnek, who was shuffled off to the new Provider Relationship Systems when they split from Specialty around the time of BT’s departure for Richmond.

    It’s one thing to fly from SF to Scottsdale AZ, just an hour or so, every couple of weeks for a day or two. Will Pat relocate to Alpharetta or run it long-distance? And more importantly how is the golf there?

  59. I worked at mck 4.5 yrs all in clinical mgmnt. Came in starry eyed. Worked 60-70 hrs week finally took a few weeks vaca in last year. Had 4 different bosses and a new team to manage every single year. Got hounded to move to Alpharetta as an “up and comer” when I didn’t ( had 2 kids in high school) I slowly became invisible to the Real Boys Club that exists. I spent 50% time apologizing to customers and building personal relationships so they wouldn’t dump us for nondelivery encore/herm and horizon. Encouraged to mislead about integration (pharmacy still not integrated with order entry. Tout med safety leader??? Jeeze). Only clinical deals last 3 years are small med sized hospitals that shouldve been sold paragon but commissions wouldve been lost for the boys. These places got 90% off deals if not zero sw. They thought it was a deal. Same places epic never wanted as customers. I was one of 500 layoffs before Pam and 2nd wave. Some great people there. I admired Pam but felt sorry for her because her team sucked. Mck is toxic for many but a great training ground on how to be tough. Customers: keep yelling and demanding.

  60. I wish I knew this site existed when I got laid off. Mckesson Managers are the pits. For a whole year my manager harassed me with lies and recruited her spy team in every way she could, my complaint to human resources fell on deaf ears. I was the only employee who sat home for 4 months without an assignment. The VP of HAC called me a liar on a conference call and the immoral and unethical things they did who have been worth a jury selection. It is a crime. The product is the absolute pits and when the templates underperformed or the prescription eligibility failed to accomplish the task it was supposedly designed to to they blamed their employees.. At the time of layoff I was asked to ocme to the office to do work, when they singlehandedly cornered me and took my laptop and escorted me to the door with 2 months severance pay not to mention they did the same thing to my husband. The company, the product and the managers incluidiing the boys clubs and all those who get a title increase every year needs to be ousted. Willl that ever happen? Doubt it!

  61. McKesson owners and management should read the book, “Good to Great”….about how corporations become great corporations. McKesson will never become great, they do everything wrong!

  62. As a grateful RIFee I am so glad not to be employed by McKesson anymore. Truly the most dysfunctional company ever. A total McJoke. McDisaster. McTrainWreck. You get the McPicture.

  63. I currently work for the Pharma dept. in one of the distribution centers. I tell you, they have this thing they call ICARE they push these principles on the hr.employees but clearly don’t give a darn about the employees. Managers take credit that shoudn’t be awareded to them, employees are not recognized for their efforts and managment spends more time focusing on ways to fier employees rather then train and promote. Unless off course its time for an offcial HR visit. Well then its an all out joke. They pick a panel of happy, priviliged employees that sit in on a meeting where they talk up the distribution and no one addresses the concerns they have behind closed doors. They’re all worried about the after shock of being honest. We have a survey that we are forced to take every year on how the company is doing. Each emplyee is escorted to take this survey, they the DC gets funded because all the employee took the survey. Little do they know we were forced to take it, it was not an option.The employees hate the worthless HR dept. and they have flexible rules for some employees while others get fierd for breaking those rules. That place is in the dumps.. 90% of the employees are unhappy and the others do what they want when they want.

  64. Worked for the rms division in michigan. More and more outsourcing to india. While on short term disability they laid me off. Second round of layoffs in six months. All mckesson cares about is the bottom dollar.

  65. FYI: not all of McKesson MPT employees are so unhapppy – some of us are there 15, 20, 25, and 30 years. So the company must be doing something right. I suspect happy employees don’t come here to vent — only unhappy ones …And yes we have the same yearly survery, and yearly RIF’s … BUT said RIF employees if they are good employees …. can apply for any other MCK job listed and they have top priority before they can hire from outside the org… and in my time with HBOC now McKesson MPT I’ve never had a boss take credit for one of my ideas… I have had bosses be very intrested in my personal and worklife growth and in the growth of my paycheck…

  66. I worked at McKesson for 3 years and it was a HORRIBLE company to work for. Good riddance, Pam.

  67. Anyone know if Ms. Pure landed anywhere after McKesson? Or did she take her platinum parachute and retire?

  68. Since it looks like “Encore” Horizon ERM (RM) will not be ICD10 compliant, does anyone have any idea when the whole product will be “finished?”

  69. I had interviewed for a Horizon job. Now I am so glad that they were so openly racist – Americans need not apply. You have to be an Indian, or a Korean (and not speak very much English).

    For those of you who don’t know. McKesson imported the same incompetent people who screwed up the product in India to the US for an encore! HR is supposed to turn the other way while they let those jerks hire their relatives and countrymen. Sorry if I’m not too broken up at their failure.

    I know a lot of past/present McKession employees, and a lot of them seem to have been damaged by the experience. Mostly, they seem to have lost their moral compass (seeing open corruption uniformly rewarded has its impact). The tales they tell me of open unethical behavior are kind of hair raising. OK, I see that this is NOT a place I want to work.

    On the other hand, I certainly LOVE competing with you guys! A three-person company with a little focus (and maybe some business ethics) can pick off customers left and right. I’m going to have a long career in healthcare IT – without ever working at McDirtbag.

  70. Seems McK isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. I would know since I work there. Right now my issue is: STOP OUTSOURCING OUR JOBS you greedy pigs. Everytime I turn around I hear about people being laid off, moved. It sure looks to me that more and more of our work is being outsourced to OMEGA. Now we’re loosing all coders except two, correspondence gone, payment posting, gone. We now get to do OMEGA’s poop work because they are a bunch of incompetent idiots over there. But hey, McK’s making more money. Isn’t that what it’s all about. I am thoroughly disgusted with this place. Yes, I’ll attest to the different rules for different people, sneaky things going on, keeping people in the dark till the last minute then jumping their asses for not having this or that done. What a piece of work. Don’t get me wrong, I am greatful for having a job at this juncture in time. Just can’t believe I ended up working for a company that doesn’t support America. Let’s support wealth for CEO’s!!! Yeah, go team McKesson. Oh and thank for all the T-shirts you hand out every year for “Community Days”. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to pay my electric bill with a T-Shirt!!!!

  71. I have been on the customer side of mckesson software for 12 years. 12 years ago the software was awkward clunky, and behind the times. Today their software is, clunky and behind the times and no one there can tell me how it works or how to fix it everything is a workaround.

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  1. Oracle snippy email: reminds me of Neal's famous pizza email.

  2. In a delicious twist of irony - the legal and funding framework for DOGE was created by Obama.

  3. Given the current pace over the past month, you should prepare yourself to be near constantly amused, then.

  4. I'm always amused by those white collar criminals who suddenly discover how unfair the criminal justice and prison system is…

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