I think if you'd look at the recent hearings, VA was saying Cerner would require a 10% increase in staff…
From HIMSS 2/25/14 – Inga’s Update
From Amanda: “Re: HIStalkapalooza. I had SO. MUCH. FUN. Thank you for everything! Seriously – best time ever.”
From Erin: “Re: HIStalkapalooza. This is the best HIStalkapalooza! Thank you for allowing us to be a part of it!!”
From Lisa: “HIStalkapalooza. Many thanks to you and the HIStak team for a wonderful party. Everyone I spoke with was having a blast.”
Those are a few of the early HIStalkapalooza reviews. Based on the flood of Tweets I read on the ride back to my hotel last night, a whole of people had a great time.
Before I share more on HIStalkapalooza, I’ll mention a few other details from my day Monday.
Fortunately my hotel is in walking distance to the convention center. I was amused by this gentleman standing at a crosswalk handing out one of the free newspapers. Even more amused that so many people actually take one (do they read it?)
I walked in a bit late for the opening keynote by Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini, who provided his vision for transforming healthcare. Among his recommendations: providing patients with digital tools to help manage their own health, increasing emphasis on wellness, and better managing chronic disease.
Outside the auditorium, by the way, HIMSS had a monitor with a feed of the keynote. Unfortunately 15 feet away was a HIMSS TV monitor, which meant that unless you were in directly in front of the keynote monitor you couldn’t hear the presentation. Hope someone fixes that.
I next headed to the ONC Town Hall. I was amused that Karen DeSalvo jumped right into the session without first introducing herself. All the ONC big-wigs were on the panel and after brief introductions the session proceeded in a Q&A format. Questions ranged from concerns about the exclusion of certain groups from the MU incentive program (pharmacists, for example) to possible requirements for Stage 3. The panelists did a commendable job of taking turns replying to the different questions and comments.
There’s always a crowd standing outside the exhibit hall doors right before it opens and this year was no different. The first thing I did was head to the athenahealth booth and took a look at their new athenaCoordinator Enterprise, which provides hospitals with tools and services to coordinate care. The differentiator from other care coordination platforms is that athena also provides much of the behind-the-scenes services, such as contacting patients in need of visits and checking prior authorizations. I think there will definitely be health systems interested in an option to out-source these tasks, though I can also see many that would fear giving up that much control to a third party. The product looked quite intuitive and easy to navigate. The athena folks also gave me a peak at the new user interface they are working on. I remember first seeing athenaClinicals about five years ago and was not impressed with how the product looked visually. However, I think they are on the right track with the changes that provide a much more current and sort of Facebook-like look and feel.
A quick shout-out to Maria at athenahealth. Her shoe wardrobe never fails to impress me.
I then did a bit of cruising around the exhibit hall and came across the handsome Dr. Travis who is hanging out with his new company Catalyze at the Startup Showcase. The Startup Showcase was actually hopping, to the point that the everyone looked uncomfortably crowded. Vendors with kiosks in the center were at a disadvantage because you pretty much would need to elbow your way in to chat with anyone. Guess that’s a better problem than twiddling your thumbs because of a lack of traffic.
Vendors participating in the showcase also have an opportunity to provide 30 minute company and product overviews. I predict the whole showcase will be much bigger next year, based on its early popularity.
I stopped by the Siemens booth just long enough to see this big game board. I didn’t stay long enough to learn what they were talking about but the way the panel tiles were displayed was pretty fascinating. I am going back today.
I spinned the wheel at Actuate’s booth and am now in the running for a Fitbit force. I am not 100 percent sure what a Fitbit will do for me but I am sure I need one.
If you are going to ask folks to spin your wheel, I think you need to offer prizes that are worth the effort. Dr. Jayne and I kind of giggled at these folks that were offering not-so-amazing trinkets like earplugs, pens, and TSA zip lock bags. We liked her shoes, though.
I don’t recall seeing this guy before at Epic’s booth. I plan to tour the art a big more closely today.
I was intrigued by SAP’s bus, which they had in addition to a regular booth. Inside it was set up like a booth with demo stations. Kind of cool.
I ran into two HIT superstars on the floor. That’s Dr. Mostashari being photo-bombed by Dr. Lyle Berkowitz. It’s my favorite picture of the day.
My first stop this morning will be to MedData which is offering freshly baked scones.
I headed back to my hotel before the exhibit hall closed so I could get spiffed up for HIStalkapalooza. Many thanks to Imprivata, VMware, Greenway, Nordic Consulting, Hill-Rom, and RFIDeas for sponsoring.
The Inga-Tini – Mr. HIStalk was my drink of choice for the evening, though some of the other options looked quite fun as well.
I thought Lorre looked stunning at the official HIStalk ambassador. If she weren’t hosting I am sure she could have won both HIStalk Queen and the Inga Loves My Shoes contests.
Speaking of the contests, I’d love to know the names of all the winners, so if you were sashed, please drop me a note and/or a photo.
Jennifer Lyle of STS Healthcare did an amazing job as the official emcee for the evening. She was beautiful and funny, as always.
I loved the little decorating touches, including the HIStalkapalooza lamp shades. I think I need one.
I absolutely loved the band. I wasn’t the only one since when I left at 11 there was still quite a crowd that appeared they’d keep dancing until they were kicked out. Who knew HIT had so many great dancers? Ross and Kym Martin, Ed and Julie Marx, and Matthew Holt and any and everyone he could get to dance with him were all non-stop on the dance floor.
Our esteemed shoe and fashion judges, all of whom could have been winners themselves.
I almost missed the whole back room area which had a photo booth and Dance Head recordings. Great keepsakes and hilariously funny.
As a whole, I was only disappointed about a couple of things. First, it was difficult to hear the quite funny Missy Krasner and Ross Martin as they presented the HISsie awards. I also wish more folks could not have been added to the guest list. I hope we have the opportunity to change these imperfections next year.
I actually have so much more to share but I must get moving to the convention center. On today’s agenda: a couple of meetings, possibly the #HITsm Tweet-up, and at 3:00 p.m. I’ll be playing Quipstar at the Medicomp booth (2703). Please come cheer me on as I play for charity.
Email Inga.
Re “Actuate’s Fitbit force” Considering that FitBit has recalled the Force due to numerous complaints of skin reactions, Actuate may have wanted to rethink what they’re giving away and you may want to decline it if you win 🙂
Thank you for the reports from HIMSS. Your thorough reports allow me to enjoy HIMSS from the comfort of my office chair or family room couch. I save a couple thousand dollars and a week of overstimulation, while you all have one less person to fight with in the taxi line or for a restaurant seat. It is a win/win. Keep the updates coming.
I have an idea for future HIMSS conferences / convention centers – someone please run with this. Perhaps someone has already tried it…
How many times have you nearly been plowed into by someone walking toward you heads down texting on their cell phone? Yeah, I’m guilty of it too. Let’s have a moving walkway all around the convention center specifically for people walking while texting — you have to pay to get on it (tollroad style), but you get a ticket if you aren’t on it but are caught walking and texting. This could be huge at airports too. Eventually it would need its own regulatory body, of course, and perhaps its own society to lobby regulations. A whole new industry… and then http://www.TEXTtalk2.com?
I find it pretty comical that an industry so focused on electronic documentation hosts a massive conference filled with paper! The HIMSS daily paper alone has to level a forest. Not to mention all of the other paper brochures they hand out throughout the show. Just a thought – make it digital and provide reliable wifi. I would love to have everything available on my tablet throughout the convention center. It would also make my bag much lighter.
I’m pretty bummed about the giveaways this year as well. They range from really boring (pens and lanyards) to really ridiculous (jet skis and someone was revving a motorcycle or something today). iPads and FitBits are still popular choices too.
One other thing that disappointed me was the blatant glares at my badge. If they don’t like my title then I’m not worth their time? Not many people were calling attention to their booths anyway. At a conference this huge, I feel as though no connection is wasted, as you never know who knows who!