KATE™ is an EHR integrated Artificial Intelligence (AI) solution that provides 24/ 7 real-time clinical risk guidance starting at triage in the emergency room. KATE significantly improves capacity, reducing wait times, saving lives, and supporting a strong 10x ROI while empowering emergency nurses to optimize patient flow from the point of entry without adding to their workload.
KATE Triage serves as a “second set of eyes” at triage by automatically identifying, prioritizing, and notifying on high-risk patients - with zero workflow changes. KATE Sepsis identifies more patients with sepsis at your front door (up to 2x greater than current standards AND before ordering labs!) - making an immediate and meaningful impact on patient outcomes. Clinical Data Engine provides real-time analytics and research platform for clinicians to search millions of EHR records in seconds, including dynamic free text search
Burlingame, California 94010, United States